I'm having troubles with the following problem
Given N x S grid and m segments parallel to the horizontal axis (all of them are tuples (x', x'', y)), answer Q online queries of form (x', x''). The answer to such a query is the smallest y (if there is one) such that we can place a segment (x', x'', y). All segments are non-overlapping yet beginning of one segment can be the ending of another i.e. segments (x', x'', y) and (x'', x''', y) are allowed. Being able to place a segment means there could exist a segment (x', x'', y) that wouldn't violate stated rules, segment isn't actually placed(board with initial segments isn't modified) but we only state there could be one.
1 ≤ Q, S, m ≤ 10^5
1 ≤ N ≤ 10^9
Time: 1s
Memory: 256 Mb
Here is an example from the link below. Input segments are (2, 5, 1), (1, 2, 2), (4, 5, 2), (2, 3, 3), (3, 4, 3).
Answer for queries
1) (1, 2) → 1
2) (2, 3) → 2
3) (3, 4) → 2
4) (4, 5) → 3
5) (1, 3) → can't place a segment
A visualized answer for the third query (blue segment):
I don't quite understand how to approach the problem. It is supposed to be solved with persistent segment tree, but I am still unable to come up with something.
Could you help me please.
This is not my homework. The source problem can be found here http://informatics.mccme.ru/mod/statements/view3.php?chapterid=111614 . There's no English version of the statement avaliable and the test case presents input data in a different way, so don't mind the souce.