This is not possible at the moment. I've made a feature request for it, which you can upvote here:
In the meantime, I found a hacky workaround. The job ID for array workers appears to conform to $PARENT_JOB_ID:$AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX
. So, to the extent that you can rely on this formatting of array worker IDs, you can describe the parent job and get the total array size from there. Here's an example using boto3
import os
import boto3
worker_job_id = os.environ['AWS_BATCH_JOB_ID']
parent_job_id = worker_job_id.split(":")[0]
response = boto3.client('batch').describe_jobs(jobs=[parent_job_id])
parent_job = response['jobs'][0]
array_size = parent_job.get('arrayProperties', {}).get("size")
print("array_size =", array_size)
. I did this, and then neither of the two env vars were then made available to the job. The nameJOB_ARRAY_SIZE
works fine instead. Alternatively, it can be passed as a command-line arg, etc. – Shushan