I implemented a physics simulation in Python (most of the heavy lifting is done in numerical libraries anyways, thus performance is good enough). Now that the project has grown a bit, I added extra functionality via parameters that do not change during the simulation. With that comes the necessity to have the program do one thing or another based on their values, i.e., quite a few if-else scattered around the code.
My question is simple: does Python implement some form of branch prediction? Am I going to wear the performance significantly or is the interpreter smart enough to see that some parameters never change? Having a constant if-else inside a function that is called a million times, is the conditional evaluated every time or some magic happens? When there is no easy way to remove the conditional altogether, is there a way to give the interpreter some hints and favour/emulate branch prediction?
to the function? – Heiressnumba
for your function? Without more detail it's hard to say anything for sure. – Bolt