I'm trying to create token with MPGS.
I'm following this guide:
In the section "Token Operations" > "Tokenize", it says:
You can use this operation to create or update a token by storing payment details against the token. ...
I'm posting this to help people who are frustrating like me with MPGS. I faced series of issues, and pulled my hair off many times. So here's the issues I faced and how to solve them (I'm stuck with issue #4).
Issue #1: Invalid credentials.
Fix: Make sure you're hitting the correct URL.
Even the documentation guide link have these same sub-domains, so make sure you're hitting the correct URL, and make sure you're following the correct documentation link.
Issue #2: Invalid parameters, or server asking for parameters although you've provided them.
Fix: If using Postman, make sure you set the parameters in "Body" > "raw" as JSON, like so:
"sourceOfFunds": {
"provided": {
"card": {
"expiry": {
"month": "05",
"year": "21"
"number": "5123456789012346"
"type": "CARD"
Issue #3: Authorization required
Fix: If using Postman, click on "Authorization", set "Type" it to Basic Auth, for "Username" set it to merchant.YOUR_MERCHANT_ID, for "Password" set it to YOUR_API_PASSWORD
Issue #4 (stuck here): Value '9999999999999999' is invalid. Card token must not be supplied
Method: PUT
URL: https://test-my.sample.gateway.mastercard.com/api/rest/version/46/merchant/MY_MERCHANT_ID/token/9999999999999999
Authorization: set correctly in Authorization tab
Body > raw:
"sourceOfFunds": {
"provided": {
"card": {
"expiry": {
"month": "05",
"year": "21"
"number": "5123456789012346"
"type": "CARD"
"error": {
"explanation": "Value '9999999999999999' is invalid. Card token must not be supplied",
"field": "tokenid",
"validationType": "INVALID"
"result": "ERROR"
Q: Not sure what to do to tokenize the transaction..?! I'm stuck with issue #4.