First post here, thanks for reading!
Problem: I have a Vector{String}
- call it A
- where each element is a part of an equation, e.g. the first element of A
is "x[1] - (0.8*x[1])"
. I would like to write a macro that takes as arguments i) a String
- call it fn_name
- with the name of a function, ii) the vector A
, and returns a function named fn_name
which looks like
function fn_name(f, x)
f[1] = x[1] - (0.8*x[1])
f[2] = (exp(x[4]) - 0.8*exp(x[3]))^(-1.1) - (0.99*(exp(x[4]) - 0.8*exp(x[4]))^(-1.1)*(1.0 - 0.025 + 0.30*exp(x[1])*exp(x[2])^(0.30 - 1.0)))
f[3] = exp(x[2]) - ((1.0 - 0.025)*exp(x[2]) + exp(x[1])*exp(x[2])^0.30 - exp(x[4]))
f[4] = x[3] - (x[4])
where each rhs is one element of
A = ["x[1] - (0.8*x[1])", "(exp(x[4]) - 0.8*exp(x[3]))^(-1.1) - (0.99*(exp(x[4]) - 0.8*exp(x[4]))^(-1.1)*(1.0 - 0.025 + 0.30*exp(x[1])*exp(x[2])^(0.30 - 1.0)))", "exp(x[2]) - ((1.0 - 0.025)*exp(x[2]) + exp(x[1])*exp(x[2])^0.30 - exp(x[4]))", "x[3] - (x[4])"]
What I tried: my best attempt at solving the problem is the following
macro make_fn(fn_name, A)
function $(Symbol(fn_name))(f, x)
for i = 1:length($(A))
f[$i] = Meta.parse($(A)[$i])
which however doesn't work: when I run @make_fn("my_name", A)
I get the error LoadError: UndefVarError: i not defined
I find it quite hard to wrap my head around Julia metaprogramming, and while I'd be very happy to avoid using it, I think for this problem it's unavoidable.
Can you please help me understand where my mistake is?