Well, partition is not a good solution for complicate data model. If you only have 2 to 3 tables depending on each other, you may be able to do it but it is not pretty. Each table must have an column that determine the partition. Then, each table must have a trigger to create the new table, set the foreign key and unique constraint.
For example,
audittransaction<- auditentry
Each audittransactionhas 0 to n auditentry. table auditentry contains the foreign key of transaction. Both table have to have column creationDate since it is used for partition both tables.
------ create a trigger to insert audittransaction within the trigger
create or replace function audittransaction_insert_function()
returns trigger as $$
tablepartition varchar;
tablename varchar;
startbounds timestamp;
endbounds timestamp;
tablepartition := to_char(date_trunc('month', NEW.whendone), 'YYYYMMDD');
tablename := 'audittransaction_' || tablepartition ;
if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_name = tablename) then
startbounds := date_trunc('month', NEW.whendone);
endbounds := startbounds + cast('1 months' as interval);
execute 'create table ' || tablename || ' ( CHECK (whendone >= ' || quote_literal(startbounds) || ' and whendone < ' || quote_literal(endbounds)|| ') ) inherits (audittransaction)';
execute 'ALTER TABLE '|| tablename ||' ADD CONSTRAINT '||tablename||'_unique_id UNIQUE (id)';
end if;
execute 'insert into ' || tablename || ' (id, operationid, whendone, "comment", ticketid ,transactionid, userid ) values (' || quote_literal(NEW.id) || ',' || quote_literal(NEW.operationid) || ',' || quote_literal(NEW.whendone) || ')';
return null;
END; $$
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
create trigger insert_audittrans
----- then, create a trigger for autientry
create or replace function auditentry_insert_function()
returns trigger as $$
tablepartition varchar;
tablename varchar;
startbounds timestamp;
endbounds timestamp;
tablepartition := to_char(date_trunc('month', NEW.transactiontimestampgmt), 'YYYYMMDD');
tablename := 'auditentry_' || tablepartition ;
if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_name = tablename) then
startbounds := date_trunc('month', NEW.transactiontimestampgmt);
endbounds := startbounds + cast('1 months' as interval);
execute 'create table ' || tablename || ' ( CHECK (transactiontimestampgmt >= ' || quote_literal(startbounds) || ' and transactiontimestampgmt < ' || quote_literal(endbounds)|| ') ) inherits (auditentry)';
execute 'ALTER TABLE '|| tablename ||' ADD CONSTRAINT '||tablename||'_unique_id UNIQUE (id)';
execute 'ALTER TABLE ' || tablename ||' ADD CONSTRAINT auditentry FOREIGN KEY (audit_transaction_id) REFERENCES audittransaction_'||tablepartition ||'(id)';
end if;
execute 'insert into ' || tablename || ' (id, audit_transaction_id, eventid, transactiontimestampgmt,timestampgmt, acknowledged, resolved, acknowledgedbyusername, acknowledgeddate, notificationlevel, resolvedbyusername, resolveddate, severity, parentauditentry_id ) values (' || quote_literal(NEW.id) || ',' || quote_literal(NEW.audit_transaction_id) || ',' || quote_literal(NEW.eventid) || ','||quote_literal(NEW.transactiontimestampgmt)||')';
return null;
END; $$
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
create trigger insert_auditentry before insert on auditentry for each row execute procedure auditentry_insert_function();