Ouch... that first script (by Aristotle), is pretty slow. On the git.git repo, looking for files > 100k, it chews up the CPU for about 6 minutes.
It also appears to have several wrong SHAs printed -- often a SHA will be printed that has nothing to do with the filename mentioned in the next line.
Here's a faster version. The output format is different, but it is very fast, and it is also -- as far as I can tell -- correct.
The program is a bit longer but a lot of it is verbiage.
use 5.10.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
END { chdir( $ENV{HOME} ); }
my $tempdir = tempdir( "git-files_tempdir.XXXXXXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1 );
my $min = shift;
$min =~ /^\d+$/ or die "need a number";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my @refs =qw(HEAD);
@refs = @ARGV if @ARGV;
# first, find blob SHAs and names (no sizes here)
open( my $objects, "-|", "git", "rev-list", "--objects", @refs) or die "rev-list: $!";
open( my $blobfile, ">", "$tempdir/blobs" ) or die "blobs out: $!";
my ( $blob, $name );
my %name;
my %size;
while (<$objects>) {
next unless / ./; # no commits or top level trees
( $blob, $name ) = split;
$name{$blob} = $name;
say $blobfile $blob;
# next, use cat-file --batch-check on the blob SHAs to get sizes
open( my $sizes, "-|", "< $tempdir/blobs git cat-file --batch-check | grep blob" ) or die "cat-file: $!";
my ( $dummy, $size );
while (<$sizes>) {
( $blob, $dummy, $size ) = split;
next if $size < $min;
$size{ $name{$blob} } = $size if ( $size{ $name{$blob} } || 0 ) < $size;
my @names_by_size = sort { $size{$b} <=> $size{$a} } keys %size;
say "
The size shown is the largest that file has ever attained. But note
that it may not be that big at the commit shown, which is merely the
most recent commit affecting that file.
# finally, for each name being printed, find when it was last updated on each
# branch that we're concerned about and print stuff out
for my $name (@names_by_size) {
say "$size{$name}\t$name";
for my $r (@refs) {
system("git --no-pager log -1 --format='%x09%h%x09%x09%ar%x09$r' $r -- $name");
print "\n";
print "\n";