I have recently switched from Java development and Eclipse IDE to C# .NET and VisualStudio 2010. What I really miss is the Alt + / Eclipse shortcut for word completion. I am NOT speaking about IntelliSense auto completion stuff. I mean, I would like the text editor to finish writing words that already exist somewhere in the document but will not show up in IntelliSense, e.g. string literals.
In Notepad++ it is the Ctrl + Enter shortcut. In Eclipse it is the aforementioned Alt + /
Can VS2010 do the same? If not by default, can anyone point me to a decent VB macro that I could plug into my VS2010 to do this?
Thank you.
Please mind there is a difference between CODE completion (i.e. what in most IDEs/clever editors is performed by Ctrl+Space) and simple WORD completion (what I am looking for). Word completion does not try to analyse the current context, or guess what type/method you might be after. All it does it tries to complete a work you started typing by looking around your cursor location and searching for similar words already occurring in the current document.