I am trying to implement a simple RTSP server in java that will use an android handset as the receiving client. I have trawled the internet for answers and have been returned to this site many times. Through this I have found out that JMF does not natively support RTSP on the server side and that java must be extended using a NIO framework such as Netty, Xuggler, Mina etc. My only problem is that after searching the documentation for these sites I have not found any basic examples of how RTSP can be implemented.
My question is: Has any body had this problem and resolved it, and if so can you please point me towards some helpful source code or documentation. Bearing this in mind have already looked every related thread on this site and followed up on most links without any avail. I am not new to java and I understand all the streaming protocols but I am new to streaming implementations in java.
Thank you