I'm on Ubuntu 13.10 and git recently started acting strange. Whenever I do a pull or a push, there is about a 20 second delay between running the command and it asking for my password.
My remote url looks like [email protected]:/project/directory/
The problem only recently started happening. I'm not using the default git user, but a user I created on the server and added to the git group.
The repo isn't that large, and since the delay is between running the command and asking for password i'm assuming its a network issue. The server is on my work LAN so connection speed shouldn't be an issue.
Any suggestions?
Edit: Here's a screenshot. The 20s delay is between the "git pull" and "Enter Password"
FIXED As per the accepted answer, it was GSSAPIAuthentication. I simply created a ~/.ssh/config file and added:
Host *
GSSAPIAuthentication no
flag? Doing so will probably give you a feel for where it is taking so long. – Vacancy