I am trying to make a maze solver, and it is working except that instead of the path being marked by "o" I want it to be marked with ">", "<", "v", "^" depending on the direction of the path. This is the part of the code where it solves the maze:
def solve(self,x,y):
maze = self.maze
#Base case
if y > len(maze) or x > len(maze[y]):
return False
if maze[y][x] == "E":
return True
if maze[y][x] != " ":
return False
maze[y][x] = "o"
#recursive case
if self.solve(x+1,y) == True : #right
return True
if self.solve(x,y+1) == True : #down
return True
if self.solve(x-1,y) == True : #left
return True
if self.solve(x,y-1) == True : #up
return True
maze[y][x] = " "
return False
This is an example of an unsolved maze:
#S# ## ######## # # # # #
# # # # # # #
# # ##### ## ###### # ####### # #
### # ## ## # # # #### #
# # # ####### # ### #E#
And this is the solved version of the same maze using the code above:
#S# ## ######## # #oooooo# ooo# #
#o#ooo# oooo #o# ooooo#ooo#
#ooo#o#####o##o######o# ####### #o#
### #o##oooo##oooooo#o# # ####o#
# #oooo# #######ooo# ### #E#
The result that I want to get to is:
#S# ## ######## # #>>>>>v# ^>v# #
#v#^>v# >>>v #^# >>>>^#>>v#
#>>^#v#####^##v######^# ####### #v#
### #v##^>>^##>>>>>v#^# # ####v#
# #>>>^# #######>>^# ### #E#
How is it possible to do this?