This is my ui select in the view:
<ui-select ng-model="selectedLabel.selected" ng-disabled="fetchingLabels || working">
<ui-select-match placeholder="">{{$select.selected.code}}</ui-select-match>
<ui-select-choices repeat="label in labels| filterBy: ['name', 'code']: $">
<div ng-bind-html="label.code | highlight: $"></div>
<small ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></small>
And this is the relevant code in my controller:
$scope.labels = [];
$scope.selectedLabel = {};
$scope.selectedLabel.selected = $scope.passedLabel; // This is an object passed
// from the previous controller.
// The scope comes with it.
$scope.fetchLabels(); // This fetches the labels from the server
// and puts them in $scope.labels
The labels brought from the server are theoretically like these:
[{'labelId': 20, 'code': 'L20', 'name': 'some label'},
{'labelId': 21, 'code': 'L21', 'name': 'other label'}, ...]
And the passed from-outside label, 'passedLabel', is theoretically like ONE of those in $scope.labels
too, eg:
passedLabel = {'labelId': 21, 'code': 'L21', 'name': 'other label'}
...I say theoretically because, empirically, I'm seeing that they are different because of the things that angular adds to them (eg. $$hashKey
, or __proto__
So, because of that difference, the $scope.selectedLabel.selected = $scope.passedLabel
isn't matching the corresponding item in the ui-select (they are not the same object), and thus, the result of that is this behavior:
How can I set the initial selection correctly? is there a way I can use id's instead of object comparisson? I want to avoid having a for
like this:
for (i=0; i<$scope.labels; i++) {
if ($scope.labels[i].labelId == $scope.passedLabel.labelId) {
$scope.selectedLabel.selected = $scope.labels[i]
which I'm pretty sure it would work as expected, but I would have to call that for
after the ajax has returned... and I have other ui-selects too
ng-model="foo" ng-model-options="{ trackBy: '$' }"
. I really want to do something similar with ui-select ... – Facile