You may use decorators but programatically, so you don't need to put the decorator in each method.
I'm assuming several things in next code:
The test methods are all named like: "testXXX()"
The decorator is added to the same module where test methods are implemented.
def test1():
print ("Testing hello world")
def test2():
print ("Testing hello world 2")
#This is the decorator
class TestChecker(object):
def __init__(self, testfn, *args, **kwargs):
self.testfn = testfn
def pretest(self):
print ('precheck %s' % str(self.testfn))
def posttest(self):
print ('postcheck %s' % str(self.testfn))
def __call__(self):
for fn in dir() :
if fn.startswith('test'):
locals()[fn] = TestChecker(locals()[fn])
Now if you call the test methods...
The output should be something like:
precheck <function test1 at 0x10078cc20>
Testing hello world
postcheck <function test1 at 0x10078cc20>
precheck <function test2 at 0x10078ccb0>
Testing hello world 2
postcheck <function test2 at 0x10078ccb0>
If you have test methods as class methods, the approach is also valid. For instance:
class TestClass(object):
def my_test(cls):
print ("Testing from class method")
for fn in dir(TestClass) :
if not fn.startswith('__'):
setattr(TestClass, fn, TestChecker(getattr(TestClass, fn)))
The call to TestClass.my_test()
will print:
precheck <bound method type.my_test of <class '__main__.TestClass'>>
Testing from class method
postcheck <bound method type.my_test of <class '__main__.TestClass'>>