Here is how tab completion is working for me:
In [84]: a="string"
In [85]: b = ["str", "ing"]
Tab completion for strings is working here:
In [86]: a.
a.capitalize a.decode a.expandtabs a.index a.isdigit a.istitle a.ljust a.partition a.rindex a.rsplit a.splitlines a.swapcase a.upper a.encode a.find a.isalnum a.islower a.isupper a.lower a.replace a.rjust a.rstrip a.startswith a.title a.zfill
a.count a.endswith a.format a.isalpha a.isspace a.join a.lstrip a.rfind a.rpartition a.split a.strip a.translate
Tab completion for lists is working here:
In [86]: b.
b.append b.count b.extend b.index b.insert b.pop b.remove b.reverse b.sort
Tab completion for strings is not working here:
In [87]: b[0].
One possible workaround:
In [88]: c = b[0]
In [89]: c.
c.capitalize c.decode c.expandtabs c.index c.isdigit c.istitle c.ljust c.partition c.rindex c.rsplit c.splitlines c.swapcase c.upper c.encode c.find c.isalnum c.islower c.isupper c.lower c.replace c.rjust c.rstrip c.startswith c.title c.zfill
c.count c.endswith c.format c.isalpha c.isspace c.join c.lstrip c.rfind c.rpartition c.split c.strip c.translate
Is it possible to use completion without mentioned workaround? I'm experiencing similar behavior in ipdb, is it possible to fix this behavior also there? I'm using ipythoon v3.1.0 and ipdb v 0.8. Thanks