Alright after like 10 hours of trying I've figured it out.
To save the zoom level I needed to save two things in the Bundle, the Scale (Zoom level), and the DisplayRect (of type RectF).
Zoom Level - Number between the MinScale and MaxScale, in my instance between 1 and 16
The RectF holds four values, which for some reason are the coordinates of the Top-Left corner of the current view with respect to the current screen orientation. Even though it holds the top-left coordinates I don't want to rotate around that, I want to rotate around the center, so I need to find the center of the rect and then divide that value by the "ScreenBase" which is a value that will standardize the values and will make it able to be translated into a difference plane. Here's how I saved it:
protected void onSaveInstanceState( final Bundle outState )
super.onSaveInstanceState( outState );
Matrix theMatrix = mPhotoView.getDisplayMatrix();
float[] theFloat = new float[9];
theMatrix.getValues( theFloat );
RectF theRect = mPhotoView.getDisplayRect();
if (theRect != null)
if( theRect.left > ( mViewWidth / 2 ) || ( theRect.left >= 0 ) )
theRect.left = 0;
theRect.left = ( theRect.left - ( mViewWidth / 2 ) ) / mScreenBase;
if( > ( mViewHeight / 2 ) || ( >= 0 ) )
{ = 0;
{ = ( - ( mViewHeight / 2 ) ) / mScreenBase;
outState.putParcelable( "RectF", theRect );
outState.putFloat( "ZoomLevel", mPhotoView.getScale() );
Then when we pick it up on the other side, we have to do a lot of manipulation to the numbers to get the top left corner of the new screen space centered around the same place (and manipulate it if an boundary problem occurs), here's how I did it:
protected void onCreate( final Bundle aSavedInstanceState )
super.onCreate( aSavedInstanceState );
mPhotoView = new PhotoView( this );
mPhotoView.setMaximumScale( 16 );
setContentView( mPhotoView );
mPhotoView.setImageResource( R.drawable.vm_app_icon );
mPhotoView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener( new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener()
public boolean onPreDraw()
mPhotoView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener( this );
mViewHeight = mPhotoView.getMeasuredHeight();
mViewWidth = mPhotoView.getMeasuredWidth();
Matrix theMatrix = mPhotoView.getDisplayMatrix();
theMatrix.getValues( mBaseMatrixValues );
mScreenBase = mBaseMatrixValues[ 0 ];
int theWidth = mPhotoView.getWidth();
Log.e(TAG, theWidth + "");
if( aSavedInstanceState != null )
float[] theFloats = new float[ 9 ];
float theZoom = aSavedInstanceState.getFloat( "ZoomLevel" );
RectF theRect = aSavedInstanceState.getParcelable( "RectF" );
theFloats[ 0 ] = theZoom;
theFloats[ 4 ] = theZoom;
theFloats[ 2 ] = ( theRect.left * mScreenBase ) - ( theZoom * mBaseMatrixValues[ 2 ] ) + ( mViewWidth / 2 ); //Left
theFloats[ 5 ] = ( * mScreenBase ) - ( theZoom * mBaseMatrixValues[ 5 ] ) + ( mViewHeight / 2 ); //Top
theFloats[ 8 ] = (float) 1.0;
theFloats = CheckBoundaries( theZoom, theFloats, theRect );
theMatrix.setValues( theFloats );
mPhotoView.setDisplayMatrix( theMatrix ); //Sets the mSuppMatrix in the PhotoViewAttacher
Matrix theImageViewMatrix = mPhotoView.getDisplayMatrix(); //Gets the new mDrawMatrix
mPhotoView.setImageMatrix( theImageViewMatrix ); //And applies it to the PhotoView (catches out of boundaries problems)
return true;
} );
private float[] CheckBoundaries(final float aZoom, float[] aFloats, final RectF aRect )
if( aZoom == 1.0 ) //If the zoom is all the way out
aFloats[ 2 ] = 0;
aFloats[ 5 ] = 0;
return aFloats;
theMaxLeftValue = ( ( mViewHeight * aZoom ) - mViewWidth + ( aZoom * mBaseMatrixValues[ 2 ] ) );
theMaxTopValue = ( ( mViewWidth * aZoom ) - mViewHeight + ( aZoom * mBaseMatrixValues[ 5 ] ) );
if( Math.abs( aFloats[ 2 ] ) > ( theMaxLeftValue ) )
aFloats[ 2 ] = -Math.abs( theMaxLeftValue ) + 10;
else if( Math.abs( aFloats[ 2 ] ) < ( aZoom * mBaseMatrixValues[ 2 ] ) )
aFloats[ 2 ] = -( aZoom * mBaseMatrixValues[ 2 ] );
if( Math.abs( aFloats[ 5 ] ) > ( theMaxTopValue ) )
aFloats[ 5 ] = -Math.abs( theMaxTopValue ) + 10;
else if( Math.abs( aFloats[ 5 ] ) < ( aZoom * mBaseMatrixValues[ 5 ] ) )
aFloats[ 5 ] = -( aZoom * mBaseMatrixValues[ 5 ] );
if( aFloats[ 2 ] > 0 )
aFloats[ 2 ] = -( mViewWidth / 2 );
else if( aFloats[ 5 ] > 0 )
aFloats[ 5 ] = -( mViewHeight / 2 );
return aFloats;