We're aggregating our logs to papertrail using heroku's log drains. Everything works great, except, I'm not sure how to set up logging from one-off dynos, which we use to run scripts.
I thought the drain configuration would apply to one-off dynos, but I'm not seeing the output I'd expect from jobs we run using the heroku scheduler. In an attempt to figure out what's going on, I tried running
# heroku run bash --app myapp
# babel-node
> var logger = require('bunyan/my_configured_logger');
> logger.info('YO');
I'd expect this to result in logs being shipped to papertrail, but no dice. So then, I tried the simpler command line
> logger "YO"
and this didn't work either. So, either my tests are misguided, or drain configuration doesn't apply to one-off dynos. I think the former is more likely.
How can I test log drains (configured for a remote papertrail syslog) are working correctly?