I'm trying to understand inductive types from chapter 7 of "theorem proving in lean".
I set myself a task of proving that successor of natural numbers has a substitution property over equality:
inductive natural : Type
| zero : natural
| succ : natural -> natural
lemma succ_over_equality (a b : natural) (H : a = b) :
(natural.succ a) = (natural.succ b) := sorry
After some guesswork and fairly exhaustive search I was able to satisfy the compiler with a couple of possibilities:
lemma succ_over_equality (a b : natural) (H : a = b) :
(natural.succ a) = (natural.succ b) :=
eq.rec_on H (eq.refl (natural.succ a))
--eq.rec_on H rfl
--eq.subst H rfl
--eq.subst H (eq.refl (natural.succ a))
--congr_arg (λ (n : natural), (natural.succ n)) H
I don't understand how any of the proofs I've just given actually work.
- What is the full definition of the
(inductive) type? In VSCode I can see the type signature ofeq
aseq Π {α : Type} α → α → Prop
, but I can't see individual (inductive) constructors (analogues ofzero
). The best I could find in source code doesn't look quite right. - Why is
happy to accept a proof of(natural.succ a) = (natural.succ a)
to provide a proof of(natural.succ a) = (natural.succ b)
? - What is higher order unification and how does it apply to this particular example?
- What is the meaning of the error I get when I type
#check (eq.rec_on H (eq.refl (natural.succ a)))
, which is[Lean] invalid 'eq.rec_on' application, elaborator has special support for this kind of application (it is handled as an "eliminator"), but the expected type must be known eq.rec_on : Π {α : Sort u} {a : α} {C : α → Sort l} {a_1 : α}, a = a_1 → C a → C a_1