So i have a angular 11 application where i just implemented localization with angulars default i18n middleware.
To create an initial file i just ran :
ng extract-i18n myprojectName --format xlf --output-path src/i18n --out-file messages.da.xlf --progress
all was good and i got an messages.da.xlf file with default language translations.
Now i wanted to translate the application to english.
I copied messages.da.xlf file and named it messages.en.xlf and translated everything.
Everything is great an working right now.
But now i have an issue, next time i add an additional text to be translated english translation is not updated.
So my question is when i need to extend translation because of new features in the application how do i know which additional "fields" i have to add to all translation files and if there is a way to do it automaticaly?