I try to get all spans created in the following chain associated to the same trace context/traceId by context propagation:
service1 -> aws sqs queue -> service2
Auto. context propagation is not working with aws sqs and aws sdk v2 atm (https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/issues/3684), even though the AwsTraceHeader is actually set in the sqs message, I have to take care for it explicitly by
- service1: Writing traceId in sqs message user attribute
- service2: Reading traceId from sqs message user attribute
and overwriting current span.traceId / essentially creating Context of service1
However, it is now unclear how to actually overwrite span.traceId in the span that service2 created which is confusing because for example with Golang it seems to be straightforward: How to create opentelemetry span from a string traceid
I see only getters e.g. Span.current().getSpanContext().getTraceId()
but no setters or builder methods.
Even by creating a new span and making it current (not sure if this goes in the right direction) the tracer.spanBuilder
does no offer setters for traceId AFAIU)
io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer tracer;
Span consumeMessageSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("consumeMessage").startSpan();
Update 2
This snippet from otel official docs looks promising
To link spans from remote processes, it is sufficient to set the Remote Context as parent.
Span childRemoteParent = tracer.spanBuilder("Child").setParent(remoteContext).startSpan();
However, also no examples or ideas how to create remoteContext and setting traceId to the one extracted from the sqs message
Any hints how to do that?