I'm trying to work out how to package a WinUI desktop application in MSIX. We don't want to upload to Windows Store or anything, just to be able to give people an installer (much like a .msi file), and have them install that for themselves on their desktop PC.
I'm using VS2022 to package the most basic of WinUI applications, i.e. the application which the framework creates for you. I've successfully managed to create a .msix file for it. But when I copy that onto a Windows Sanbox instance, it doesn't appear to know what to do with the .msix extension. Windows Sandbox is version 2004, which according to this page should be good enough.
However, double-clicking the .msix file doesn't work:
Can anyone suggest why this is?
Also, this article seems to suggest that even if I can get the msix to open, it will still require the end-user to manually install the dependencies! Surely this can't be right? No end-user is going to want to have to do that, are they? The article is a little old now (things move on quickly), so can anyone tell me if that's still the state of msix package installers. Is there a nice way to package apps so that they have a simple installation?