My co-worker is being unsafe with his code and is allowing a user to upload an SQL file to be run on the server.
He strips out any key words in the file such as "EXEC", "DROP", "UPDATE", "INSERT", "TRUNC"
I want to show him the error of his ways by exploiting his EXEC ( @sql )
My first attempt will be with 'EXEXECEC (N''SELECT ''You DRDROPOPped the ball Bob!'')'
But he might filter that all out in a loop.
Is there a way I can exploit my co-worker's code? Or is filtering out the key words enough?
Edit: I got him to check in his code. If the code contains a keyword he does not execute it. I'm still trying to figure out how to exploit this using the binary conversion.
and log the uploads! – SaltersEXEC
there? – Salters