I have to find SHA256 hashes of 2^25 random strings. And then look for collision (using birthday paradox for the last, say, 50 bits of the hash only).
I am storing the string:hash pair in a dict variable. Then sorting the variable with values (not keys) and then looking for collision using a O(n) loop.
The problem is that since there are 2^25 strings and their 2^25 hashes, so the dict variable has 2^50 values in it. This is EXTREMELY resource intensive. So, how do I do this with limited RAM, say, around 1GB?
What I have already tried:
1. Running this with a 6GB swap space. The program ran overnight and was still not done. This is essentially even slower than an O(n_square) search! The hashes are calculated with RAM usage of about 3.2 GB. But after that when it comes to the sort command, the RAM used starts shooting up again! I though the python sort uses In-Place-Quicksort :(
2. I have stored only the hashes and found a collision. But could not find the corresponding string since did not store it.
I am not supposed to use databases etc. At the most a text file but that doesn't help. Also, I am pretty new to Python but do not let that limit the level of your answer.
PS: this is an assignment. Some claim to have found the collisions in under one minute with 300MB RAM. Don't know if that is true. I have solved the problem but the answer is unreachable! At work so do not have access to code right now. Will add soon.
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
import os
import random
import string
from operator import itemgetter
def shaa():
for i in range(0,33554432):
print 'Hashes done.'
clist=sorted(clist.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
for i in range(0,33554432):
#print string[i],string[i+1]
print clist[i]
return 1
return 2
module? Strange requirement, though I think there are better solution anway. – Greenleelist.sort
uses Timsort. – Promethean