I am trying to run the dialog demo of sphinx 4 pre aplha but it gives errors.
I am creating a live speech application.
I imported the project using maven and followed this guide on stack overflow: https://mcmap.net/q/1470332/-cmu-sphinx-4-5-pre-alpha-install-guide
The error says about issues regarding the 16 khz and channel being mono. So clearly its about the sampling stuff. And is also says about microphone.
I looked on how change the microphone settings to 16 khz and 16 bit but there is no such option in windows 7
The thing is that the HelloWorld and dialog demo worked fine in sphinx4 1.06 beta but after I tried the latest release it gives following errors:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 16000.0 Hz, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
at edu.cmu.sphinx.api.Microphone.<init>(Microphone.java:38)
at edu.cmu.sphinx.api.SpeechSourceProvider.getMicrophone(SpeechSourceProvider.java:18)
at edu.cmu.sphinx.api.LiveSpeechRecognizer.<init>(LiveSpeechRecognizer.java:34)
at edu.cmu.sphinx.demo.dialog.Dialog.main(Dialog.java:145)
Caused by: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 16000.0 Hz, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
at com.sun.media.sound.DirectAudioDevice$DirectDL.implOpen(DirectAudioDevice.java:513)
at com.sun.media.sound.AbstractDataLine.open(AbstractDataLine.java:121)
at com.sun.media.sound.AbstractDataLine.open(AbstractDataLine.java:413)
at edu.cmu.sphinx.api.Microphone.<init>(Microphone.java:36)
... 3 more
Cant figure out what to do to resolve the issue.