Thanks guys for the prototype that I updated for my own needs : Generate markup in polymer, as dom-repeat was unable to perform this operation.
Tags for search engines :
Polymer Generation dynamically dynamic markup custom element dom-repeat dom repeat balise dynamique dynamiquement,output
<!doctype html>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="import" href="">
<dom-module id="x-test">
<div id="container"></div>
is: 'x-test',
ready: function() {
// Declare custom elements
var customElements = [
{name:'paper-button', title:'A'},
{name:'paper-button', title:'B'},
{name:'paper-button', title:'C'},
{name:'paper-button', title:'D'},
// Declare auto-binding, as we are at the root HTML document
var domBind = document.createElement('template', 'dom-bind');
domBind.customElements = customElements;
var domBindDocument = domBind.content.ownerDocument;
// Declare custom elements
for (var i in domBind.customElements) {
var item = domBind.customElements[i];
var elem = domBindDocument.createElement(;
elem.setAttribute('raised', 1);
elem.innerHTML = item.title;
// Append to #container