I would like to convert 16 bits grayscale images in an HEVC/mkv video with the x265 encoder without loss, using ffmpeg. I use the monochrome12 profile. My first step is to convert images into yuv format:
ffmpeg -f image2 -i "C:\DATA FOLDER\images%d.png" video.yuv
And I try to convert it as a .mkv file, losslessly:
ffmpeg video.yuv video.mkv -c:v libx265 -x265-params "profile=monochrome12:crf=0:lossless=1:preset=veryslow:qp=0"
But I get
Unrecognized option '-lossless'
Error splitting the argument list : Option not found
When I don't write lossless=1 everything's right, but I don't manage to have a lossless video by this way.
thank you for your help.
can be omitted, since according to x265 docs,lossless
("In HEVC, only QP=4 is truly lossless quantization, and thus when encoding losslesly x265 uses QP=4 internally in its RDO decisions."), and rate control is disabled as well. – Peal