I am looking for a way to hold big 3d sparse array structure into memory without waste a lot of memory. Here I've done an experiment with arrays of longs:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime;
namespace ConsoleApp4
public class Program
static Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
const int MB = 1024 * 1024;
const int IMAX = 5;
const int JMAX = 100000000;
public static void ShowTextWithMemAlloc(string text)
Console.WriteLine($"{text,-30}WS64:{proc.WorkingSet64/MB,5}MB PMS64:{proc.PrivateMemorySize64/MB,5}MB");
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write(" ");
long[] lArray = new long[IMAX * JMAX];
long[] l1Array = new long[IMAX * JMAX];
long[] l2Array = new long[IMAX * JMAX];
long[] l3Array = new long[IMAX * JMAX];
ShowTextWithMemAlloc("Arrays created.");
lArray[IMAX * JMAX - 1] = 5000;
l1Array[IMAX * JMAX - 1] = 5000;
l2Array[IMAX * JMAX - 1] = 5000;
l3Array[IMAX * JMAX - 1] = 5000;
ShowTextWithMemAlloc("Last elements accessed.");
for (var i=IMAX-1; i>= 0; i--)
for (var j=0; j<JMAX; j++)
lArray[i * JMAX + j] = i * JMAX + j;
ShowTextWithMemAlloc($"Value for row {i} assigned.");
//lArray = new long[5];
//l1Array = null;
//l2Array = null;
//l3Array = null;
//GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;
//ShowTextWithMemAlloc($"GC.Collect done.");
If you want to test it set the COMPlus_gcAllowVeryLargeObjects environment variable (Project Properties -> Debug) to 1 or change the JMAX. And this is the output:
Start. WS64: 14MB PMS64: 8MB
Arrays created. WS64: 15MB PMS64:15360MB
Last elements accessed. WS64: 15MB PMS64:15360MB
Value for row 4 assigned. WS64: 779MB PMS64:15360MB
Value for row 3 assigned. WS64: 1542MB PMS64:15360MB
Value for row 2 assigned. WS64: 2305MB PMS64:15361MB
Value for row 1 assigned. WS64: 3069MB PMS64:15361MB
Value for row 0 assigned. WS64: 3832MB PMS64:15362MB
Stop. WS64: 3844MB PMS64:15325MB
When I see the memory consumption in the Task Manager is like this in Process.WorkingSet64. What is the real number? Why is memory allocated on assignment? Is an array actually a continuous allocated memory? Is an array an array? Do aliens exist? (dramatic background music)
Episode 2: We make a small change:
//lArray[i * JMAX + j] = i * JMAX + j;
var x= lArray[i * JMAX + j];
and nothing change (in the output). Where is the difference between existent and nonexistent? (more dramatic background music) Now we are waiting for answer from one of the mysterious people (They have some number and a small 'k' under their names).
Episode 3: Another change:
//lArray[IMAX * JMAX - 1] = 5000;
//l1Array[IMAX * JMAX - 1] = 5000;
//l2Array[IMAX * JMAX - 1] = 5000;
//l3Array[IMAX * JMAX - 1] = 5000;
//ShowTextWithMemAlloc("Last elements accessed.");
long newIMAX = IMAX-3;
long newJMAX = JMAX / 10;
for (var i=0; i<newIMAX; i++)
for (var j=0; j<newJMAX; j++)
lArray[i * newJMAX + j] = i * newJMAX + j;
//var x= lArray[i * JMAX + j];
//ShowTextWithMemAlloc($"Value for row {i} assigned.");
ShowTextWithMemAlloc($"{newIMAX*newJMAX} values assigned.");
The output:
Start. WS64: 14MB PMS64: 8MB
Arrays created. WS64: 15MB PMS64:15369MB
20000000 values assigned. WS64: 168MB PMS64:15369MB
Stop. WS64: 168MB PMS64:15369MB
PMS64 for one array (15369-8)/4 = 3840MB This is not sparse array, but partially filled array ;) .I am using full this 168MB.
Answer to some question "Why do you not use the exact size?". Because I don't know it? The data can come from several user defined SQLs. "Why do you not resize it?". Resize make a new array and copies the values. This is time to copy, memory and on the end the evil GC comes and eat you.
Did I waste memory. (I don't remember. The aliens?!) And when yes, how much? 0, (3840-168)MB or (15369-8-168)MB?
Is a comment a comment or an answer?
is contiguous memory actually contiguous memory?
Do answers give answers? Mysterious. (more music)
(Scully: Mulder, toads just fell from the sky! Mulder: I guess their parachutes didn't open.)
Thank you all!