I managed to have a fix for Chrome & Firefox.
This solution also works in IE 10&11 (but only on the second time you scroll up&down. Still trying to fix this one...).
The general idea is to take the width/height values of the original header and set them to the new "fake" header that the fixedHeader
extension is creating.
Your problem is that because it's a table and the content of the cells affect all of the positioning - you can't just clone the headers-rows (because their width will not be the same), and if event if you set the correct width on each cell - the table
layout can change them, so we must change the layout of the cells to display: inline-block
Add this to your js file (after creating the datatable):
$(document).on('scroll', function() {
if ($('table.dataTable.fixedHeader-floating').length > 0) {
if ($('table.dataTable.fixedHeader-floating').data('header-fix') == 'done') {
float_ths = $('table.dataTable.fixedHeader-floating th');
$('table.dataTable thead:eq(0) th').each(function(i) {
$('table.dataTable.fixedHeader-floating').data('header-fix', 'done')
Add this to your CSS file:
table.fixedHeader-floating th {
display: inline-block;
height: 100%;
Here is a working version: