One out of the box solution you can use to solve your Business rules related problems, is using Spring AOP. What you can do, is define an Annotation (say @X) and place that annotation on top of your POST call.
public @interface X{}
Next what you need to do is, create an aspect, and run your custom validation logic in this aspect as follows,
public class CustomAspect {
//You can autowire beans here
@Around("@annotation(qualified name of X)")
public Object customMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
flag = customLogic();
if (flag){
return joinPoint.proceed(); //return if logic passes, otherwise
throw new BusinessRuleException("Business rule violated");
private boolean customLogic(){
//your custom logic goes here
And finally apply this annotation on top of any method in controller layer like:
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "do-something")
public void callSomething(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
// your business logic goes here
Only thing to note above is that you need to pass HttpServletRequest request explicitly to your controller method in order to AOP aspect get the same context for manipulation of user session related attributes like session_id, etc.
Above solution will help you add business rules on top of your Business Logic and help you with all kinds of pre validations you want to build in your web application. It is a pretty handy application of Spring AOP. Do reach out in case of any