I have a list of sorts stored in this format:
public class ReportSort
public ListSortDirection SortDirection { get; set; }
public string Member { get; set; }
And I need to turn it into a lambda expression of type Action<DataSourceSortDescriptorFactory<TModel>>
So assuming I have the following collection of Report Sorts as:
new ReportSort(ListSortDirection.Ascending, "LastName"),
new ReportSort(ListSortDirection.Ascending, "FirstName"),
I would need to transform it into such a statement to be used like so:
.Sort(sort => {
And the sort method signature is:
public virtual TDataSourceBuilder Sort(Action<DataSourceSortDescriptorFactory<TModel>> configurator)
So I have some method right now:
public static Action<DataSourceSortDescriptorFactory<TModel>> ToGridSortsFromReportSorts<TModel>(List<ReportSort> sorts) where TModel : class
Action<DataSourceSortDescriptorFactory<TModel>> expression;
//stuff I don't know how to do
return expression;
...and I have no idea what to do here.
EDIT: Answer is:
var expression = new Action<DataSourceSortDescriptorFactory<TModel>>(x =>
foreach (var sort in sorts)
if (sort.SortDirection == System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending)
I was thinking at first I had to dynamically build a lambda expression from scratch using the Expression class. Luckily that wasn't the case.