Well, it depends on if you want the output format to always adjust to the nearest power of 3, or if you want it to adjust to the nearest lower power of 3. Basically it comes to: how you handle 1.50E+05
? Should it be 150.00E+03
or 0.15E+06
Case 1: nearest lower power of 3
from math import log10,floor
numbers = [1.2e-2, 1.3e-3, 1.5e5, 1.6e6]
def adjusted_scientific_notation(val,num_decimals=2,exponent_pad=2):
exponent_template = "{:0>%d}" % exponent_pad
mantissa_template = "{:.%df}" % num_decimals
order_of_magnitude = floor(log10(abs(val)))
nearest_lower_third = 3*(order_of_magnitude//3)
adjusted_mantissa = val*10**(-nearest_lower_third)
adjusted_mantissa_string = mantissa_template.format(adjusted_mantissa)
adjusted_exponent_string = "+-"[nearest_lower_third<0] + exponent_template.format(abs(nearest_lower_third))
return adjusted_mantissa_string+"E"+adjusted_exponent_string
for n in numbers:
print("{0:.2E} -> {1: >10}".format(n,adjusted_scientific_notation(n)))
which prints out:
1.20E-02 -> 12.00E-03
1.30E-03 -> 1.30E-03
1.50E+05 -> 150.00E+03
1.60E+06 -> 1.60E+06
Case 2: nearest power of 3
def adjusted_scientific_notation(val,num_decimals=2,exponent_pad=2):
exponent_template = "{:0>%d}" % exponent_pad
mantissa_template = "{:.%df}" % num_decimals
order_of_magnitude = floor(log10(abs(val)))
nearest_third = 3*(order_of_magnitude//3+int(order_of_magnitude%3==2))
adjusted_mantissa = val*10**(-nearest_third)
adjusted_mantissa_string = mantissa_template.format(adjusted_mantissa)
adjusted_exponent_string = "+-"[nearest_third<0] + exponent_template.format(abs(nearest_third))
return adjusted_mantissa_string+"E"+adjusted_exponent_string
for n in numbers:
print("{0:.2E} -> {1: >10}".format(n,adjusted_scientific_notation(n)))
which prints out:
1.20E-02 -> 12.00E-03
1.30E-03 -> 1.30E-03
1.50E+05 -> 0.15E+06
1.60E+06 -> 1.60E+06
is greater than10
– Ubangishari