I am wrapping an AdManagerAdView in an AndroidView so I can use it in Jetpack Compose. The image fails to load when I use it in a LazyColumn AND the AdManagerAdView tries to load the image before the composable is on screen.
If I scroll quickly to that element, so LazyColumn composes it AND it is on screen before the image comes back from the ad server, it works as expected.
LazyColumn {
items(5) {
item {
modifier = Modifier
factory = { context ->
val adView = AdManagerAdView(context)
adView.adSize = AdSize.MEDIUM_RECTANGLE
adView.adUnitId = adUnitId
items(5) {
For demo purposes...
fun SomeOtherComposable(i: Int) {
text = "SomeOtherComposable $i",
modifier = Modifier
This also works fine if the wrapped AdManagerAdView is used in a non-lazy Column or any other Compose layout.
This feels like a weird timing thing in LazyColumn that just happens to manifest when the Composable isn't on screen yet since using it in a regular Column works fine under the same scenario.
Has anyone experienced anything like this?
SOLVED See my answer below
adUnitId = "/6499/example/banner"
and a test add loads fine. – Elkeelkhound