I took the liberty to improve AngularInDepth.com-s code, so that it recursively searches for invalid inputs in nested forms also. Wether it be nested by FormArray-s or FormGroup-s. Just input the top level formGroup and it will return all the FormControls that are invalid.
You can possibly skim some of the "instanceof" type checks away, if you would separate the FormControl check and addition to invalid array functionality into a separate function. This would make the function look a lot cleaner, but I needed a global, single function, option to get a flat array of all the invalid formControls and this is the solution!
findInvalidControls( _input: AbstractControl, _invalidControls: AbstractControl[] ): AbstractControl[] {
if ( ! _invalidControls ) _invalidControls = [];
if ( _input instanceof FormControl ) {
if ( _input.invalid ) _invalidControls.push( _input );
return _invalidControls;
if ( ! (_input instanceof FormArray) && ! (_input instanceof FormGroup) ) return _invalidControls;
const controls = _input.controls;
for (const name in controls) {
let control = controls[name];
switch( control.constructor.name )
case 'AbstractControl':
case 'FormControl':
if (control.invalid) _invalidControls.push( control );
case 'FormArray':
(<FormArray> control ).controls.forEach( _control => _invalidControls = findInvalidControls( _control, _invalidControls ) );
case 'FormGroup':
_invalidControls = findInvalidControls( control, _invalidControls );
return _invalidControls;
Just for those that need it, so they don't have to code it themselves..
Edit #1
It was requested that it also returns invalid FormArray-s and FormGroups, so if you need that also, use this code
findInvalidControls( _input: AbstractControl, _invalidControls: AbstractControl[] ): AbstractControl[] {
if ( ! _invalidControls ) _invalidControls = [];
if ( _input instanceof FormControl ) {
if ( _input.invalid ) _invalidControls.push( _input );
return _invalidControls;
if ( ! (_input instanceof FormArray) && ! (_input instanceof FormGroup) ) return _invalidControls;
const controls = _input.controls;
for (const name in controls) {
let control = controls[name];
if (control.invalid) _invalidControls.push( control );
switch( control.constructor.name )
case 'FormArray':
(<FormArray> control ).controls.forEach( _control => _invalidControls = findInvalidControls( _control, _invalidControls ) );
case 'FormGroup':
_invalidControls = findInvalidControls( control, _invalidControls );
return _invalidControls;
and formGroup.valid gives false, it might be because of html tags likemaxlength
etc. They should not be mixed – Particulate