There is a solution to this problem, it was created in version 1.2_14 of JSF. I think the problem is related to the way that Firefox operates during the reset event (input type=reset) on hidden fields. There is a problem where the client viewState that is on a hidden field gets an inconsistent state. The solution for this problem was disabled the auto-complete in a strict way (and this is not XHTML compliant). The most interesting thing is that until 1.2_14 almost everybody lived with this potential error. So the JSF-RI implementation (Mojarra project) allowed a developer to disable this option using a parameter that you can edit in your web.xml, and this auto complete won't print anymore.
<description>Put your description here :)</description>
It is really difficult to produce valid XHTML pages with component based frameworks like JSF, but at least a solution exists for this problem.