I have an directShow filter: MyFilter.ax
When I try to register MyFilter.ax with Regsvr32 utility it gives NO error or any message(success or failure). But the filter is not registered.
Regsvr32 utility works fine for my other filters.
Why Regsvr32 deoes not give any sucess or failure message? How can I debug my Regsvr32 failure-sucess? Any alternative utility for registering directshow filter which may give meaningfull message?
Best Wishes
I install clean win7 OS on a virtual machine. Then try to register.Fail again without no message-response from regsvr32.
But then install again a clean win7 OS on virtual machine. Then make all updates. And after i make updates regsvr32 worked and install my filter....I do not know what cause regsvr32 fail and what kind of update fix it. Or is it really an update issue...