.ms_menu ul{list-style:none;}
.ms_menu ul li{float:left; padding:5px; border-right:1px solid #000000;}
.ms_menu ul li:last-of-type{border-right:none;}
example html:
<div class="ms_menu">
I have a top nav menu which contains a UL with LI's floated left.
Each LI has a CSS style {border-right 1px solid} which acts as a separator between each menu option and I have used the CSS selector last-of-type to remove the border-right on the last LI.
This all looks great until the browser window is re-sized and some of the LI's drop down on to a second line. The last-child styling rule still applies as required but at this point I also want to remove the border-right from the last LI before it wraps down onto the second line.
Is there a jQuery or general Javascript way of detecting the last element on a line before a word-wrap/line break?