For this special scenario, I am not able to get rid of the leaks.
I get the message of Leaked Mock Objects when executing the test. The concrete Message:
ClassElementFixture.h:102: ERROR: this mock object (used in test ClassElementFixture.initialize) should be deleted but never is. Its address is @0x940a650.
I marked the line to which the error refers. Here a simplified version of my code:
class ClassElementFixture: public ::testing::Test
boost::shared_ptr<fesa::ClassElement> classElement_;
boost::shared_ptr<fesa::DeviceElementMock> deviceElement_;
void SetUp()
classElement_.reset(new fesa::ClassElement());
void TearDown()
void initializeFake()
fesa::ParserElementFactoryMock factory;
deviceElement_.reset(new fesa::DeviceElementMock());
EXPECT_CALL(factory, createDeviceElement(_))
EXPECT_CALL(*deviceElement_, initialize(_));//Error refers to here
I already found Why is GoogleMock leaking my shared_ptr?
at Stack-Overflow, which is related. However the suggestions from there do not fix my problem :X
The only possibility which I found, in order to at least suppress the error is:
However this is not a very clean solution =)
So how to get rid of the leaks properly?
? – Anamariaanamnesis