Ok what the heck is up with iOS6 and how it handles Bluetooth LE disconnections? Before the device would disconnect immediately but now, for some strange reason, the device waits to disconnect for about 30-60 seconds. I need it to disconnect ASAFP!
I've been searing all over the internet trying to figure out how to initiate an immediate disconnection from the peripheral and I found this nifty email that explains a workaround is to unsubscribe from notifications on the service characteristics.
Now I think I'm doing that.. When I want to disconnect I call [connected_device setNotifyValue:NO forCharacteristic:connected_characteristic]
Then, in the didUpdateNotificationStateForCharacteristic function, I have...
if((int)characteristic.isNotifying == 0){
[manager cancelPeripheralConnection:peripheral];
In the function didDisconnectPeripheral...
connected_peripheral = nil;
connected_characteristic = nil;
[connected_peripheral release];
[connected_characteristic release];
I've also taken a good hard look at Apple's CoreBluetooth Temperature Sensor example but it hasn't really helped much....
Any help on this would be amazing!! I just don't know what I'm missing.....
UPDATE: It looks like the app needs to be connected to the bluetooth device for at least a minute before it is allowed to disconnect. If the app is connected for over a minute it will disconnect immediately when the command is sent. Otherwise, it will wait until that one minute mark to actually disconnect.
UPDATE: When I try to disconnect before the one minute mark, I get the following output to the log when the device actually disconnects.
Oct 24 16:49:35 Christophers-iPhone awdd[8168] <Error>: libMobileGestalt copySystemVersionDictionaryValue: Could not lookup ReleaseType from system version dictionary
Oct 24 16:49:35 Christophers-iPhone awdd[8168] <Error>: CoreLocation: CLClient is deprecated. Will be obsolete soon.
[self.peripheralManager stopAdvertising]
and[self.peripheralManager removeAllServices]
on the peripheral and it still doesn't disconnect immediately. I still see a white-filled bluetooth icon in the top right until the 60-second mark... – Totem