I am parsing the postgresql uri in my config settings on Heroku. But I cannot seem to get it working. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm probably missing something straight forward.
Here is the code used.
(def dev-db-info
{:db "dbname"
:user "username"})
(defn parse-db-uri
(drop 1 (split uri #"://|:|@|/")))
(defn create-map-from-uri
(let [parsed (parse-db-uri uri)]
(zipmap [:user :password :host :port :db] parsed)))
(defn db-info
(if production?
(create-map-from-uri (System/getenv "DATABASE_URL"))
(defdb connected-db
(postgres (db-info)))
The map I retrieve from the uri looks like this:
{:db "dbname"
:port "5662"
:host "ec2-url.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
:password "pwd"
:user "username"}
I get the following error:
Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!
I have since given up on using Korma, and switched to using Clojure.JDBC 0.2.3 which supports "connection-uri" and therefore ssl connections to the db. Korma doesn't currently support this. I will file an issue on Github to allow this connection method.
. Maybe that gives you something to start searching for, though. – Celestecelestia