Ok, I found a few minutes. Below, I cover four solutions and have made the worst solutions (the middle two, involving O(n) data conversion) really easy for you.
Lets Acknowledge the Dumb Solution
It's reasonable to start with the obvious. You could use Data.List.foldl
to traverse the rows and columns, building up your histograms from initial zero arrays (untested/partial code follows):
foldl (\(histR, histG, histB) (row,col) ->
let r = arr ! (Z:.row:.col:.0)
g = arr ! (Z:.row:.col:.1)
b = arr ! (Z:.row:.col:.2)
in (incElem r histR, incElem g histG, incElem b histB)
[ (row,col) | row <- [0..nrRow-1], col <- [0..nrCol-1] ]
where (Z:.nrRow:.nrCol:._) = extent arr
I'm not sure how efficient this will be, but suspect that it will do too much bounds checking. Switching to unsafeIndex should do reasonably, assuming the delayed arrays, hist*
, do well due to however you'd pick to implement incElem
You Can Build the Array You Want
Using traverse
you can actually convert JP-Repa style arrays into DIM2
arrays with tuples for elements:
main = do
let arr = R.fromFunction (Z:.a:.b:.c) (\(Z:.i:.j:.k) -> i+j-k)
a =4 :: Int
b = 4 :: Int
c= 4 :: Int
new = R.traverse arr
(\(Z:.r:.c:._) -> Z:.r:.c) -- the extent
(\l idx -> (l (idx:.0)
,l (idx:.1)
,l (idx :. 2)))
print (R.computeS new :: R.Array R.U DIM2 (Int,Int,Int))
Could you point me to the body of code you talked about that uses this format? It would be simple to patch JP-Repa to include a function of this type.
You can build the Unboxed Vector You Mentioned
You mentioned an easy solution is to fold over unboxed vectors, but lamented that JP-repa doesn't provide an unboxed array. Luckily, conversion is simple:
toUnboxed :: Img a -> VU.Vector Word8
toUnboxed = R.toUnboxed . R.computeUnboxedS . R.delay . imgData
We Could Patch Repa
This is really only a problem because Repa doesn't have what I consider a normal traverse
function. Repa's traverse is more of an array construction that happens to provide an indexing function into another array. We want traverse in the form:
newTraverse :: Array r sh e -> a -> (a -> sh -> e -> a) -> a
but of coarse this is actually just a malformed fold. So lets rename it and reorder the arguments:
foldAllIdxS :: (sh -> a - > e -> a) -> a -> Array r sh e -> a
which contrasts nicely with the (preexisting) foldAllS
foldAllS :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Array r sh a -> a
Notice how our new fold has two critical characteristics. The result type is not required to match the element type, so we could start with a tuple of Histograms. Second, our version of fold passes the index, which allows you to select which histogram in the tuple to update (if any).
You can lazily use the latest JuicyPixels-Repa
To acquire your preferred Repa array format, or to acquire an unboxed vector, you can just use the newly uploaded JuicyPixels-Repa-0.6.
someImg <- readImage path :: IO (Either String (Img RGBA))
let img = either (error "Blah") id someImg
uvec = toUnboxed img
tupleArr = collapseColorChannel img
Now you can fold over the vector or use the tuple array directly, as you originally desired.
I also took an ugly stab at fleshing out the first, horribly naive, solution:
histograms :: Img a -> (Histogram, Histogram, Histogram, Histogram)
histograms (Img arr) =
let (Z:.nrRow:.nrCol:._) = R.extent arr
zero = R.fromFunction (Z:.256) (\_ -> 0 :: Word8)
incElem idx x = RU.unsafeTraverse x id (\l i -> l i + if i==(Z:.fromIntegral idx) then 1 else 0)
in Prelude.foldl (\(hR, hG, hB, hA) (row,col) ->
let r = R.unsafeIndex arr (Z:.row:.col:.0)
g = R.unsafeIndex arr (Z:.row:.col:.1)
b = R.unsafeIndex arr (Z:.row:.col:.2)
a = R.unsafeIndex arr (Z:.row:.col:.3)
in (incElem r hR, incElem g hG, incElem b hB, incElem a hA))
[ (row,col) | row <- [0..nrRow-1], col <- [0..nrCol-1] ]
I'm too wary of the performance of this code (3 traversals per index... I must be tired) to throw it into JP-Repa, but if you find it works well then let me know.
Array U DIM2 (Word8, Word8, Word8)
? If so, can you write a conversion functionArray U DIM3 Word8 -> Array U DIM2 (Word8, Word8, Word8)
?) – Sonority