- Take the biggest from the IN set and put in a new set S. (item 2, value 18)
- Try to find the biggest item with value <= (20 - 18): none, add S to a list of set.
- if IN is not empty GOTO 1
Iterations :
IN: 9, 18, 7, 8, 4, 9, 11, 15, 3, 8
S1 (18) : 2:18 IN: 9, _, 7, 8, 4, 9, 11, 15, 3, 8
S2 (19) : 8:15, 5:4 IN: 9, _, 7, 8, _, 9, 11, _, 3, 8
S3 (20) : 7:11, 1:9 IN: _, _, 7, 8, _, 9, _, _, 3, 8
S4 (20) : 6: 9, 4:8, 0:3 IN: _, _, 7, _, _, _, _, _, _, 8
S5 (15) : 10: 8, 3:7 IN: _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _
The code :
public class Knapsack {
public static void knapsack( int capacity, int[] values, List< int[] > indices ) {
int[] in = Arrays.copyOf( values, values.length );
List< Integer > workspace = new LinkedList<>();
int wCapacity = capacity;
boolean inProgress = true;
while( inProgress ) {
int greatestValue = -1;
int greatestIndex = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < in.length; ++i ) {
int value = in[i];
if( value > Integer.MIN_VALUE
&& greatestValue < value && value <= wCapacity )
greatestValue = value;
greatestIndex = i;
if( greatestIndex >= 0 ) {
workspace.add( greatestIndex );
in[greatestIndex] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
wCapacity -= greatestValue;
} else if( workspace.isEmpty()) {
inProgress = false;
} else {
int[] ws = new int[workspace.size()];
for( int i = 0; i < workspace.size(); ++i ) {
ws[i] = workspace.get(i).intValue();
indices.add( ws );
workspace = new LinkedList<>();
wCapacity = capacity;
static void print( int[] values, List< int[] > indices )
int r = 0;
for( int[] t : indices ) {
String items = "";
int sum = 0;
for( int index : t ) {
int value = values[index];
if( ! items.isEmpty()) {
items += ", ";
items += index + ":" + value;
sum += value;
System.out.println( "S" + ++r + " (" + sum + ") : " + items );
public static void main( String[] args ) {
int[] values = { 9, 18, 7, 8, 4, 9, 11, 15, 3, 8 };
List< int[] > indices = new LinkedList<>();
knapsack( 20, values, indices );
print( values, indices );
The result:
S1 (18) : 1:18
S2 (19) : 7:15, 4:4
S3 (20) : 6:11, 0:9
S4 (20) : 5:9, 3:8, 8:3
S5 (15) : 9:8, 2:7