Most commanly the modulo operator %
is used to test against an even or odd Number.
Now my question is, is there any Problem testing against an odd number using a bitwise AND, as it feels much more natural testing whether the rightmost bit is 1
or 0
than doing a modulo check against 2
And as the 32 bit conversion does not change the rightmost bit.
(1 + Math.pow(2,52)) & 1 //1
(1 + Math.pow(2,52)) % 2 //1
yield the same result.
Is there a reason to prefer the modulo operator over the bitwise?
This question only accounts for values that fall in the range of 64bit precision
as only even numbers can be represented precise above 2^53 and therefore both operands fail (9007199254740993 % 2 //0)