I have some trouble with git checkout tools in Bamboo. It works too long. For example I have two repos. I can clone them to local machine in 5-10 minutes. But checkout task stucks at
Fetching 'refs/heads/release-1.69' from 'ssh://git@ [path/to/first/repo] .git'.
Git: remote: Counting objects
Git: remote: Compressing objects (120)
Git: Receiving objects (269)
Git: Resolving deltas (83)
Git: Updating references (1)
Git: Total 269 (delta 83), reused 128 (delta 31)
Checking out revision 7c11b20b2495be8bb8091839794c4e80bdc7651e.
Creating local git repository in 'path'
Sometimes this task take 150 minutes, sometimes it even has no end.
Another trouble that stopping plan with that task not stopping the agent. The only way to reanimate agent is restart it.
Is it something wrong with agent? Or I make mistake with configuring repos? I found this question. The only advise is to re-install Bamboo.