There's an environmental variable thats exposed in teamcity that can tell you if this is a personal build BUILD_IS_PERSONAL :
E.g. using the msbuild runner (you just need to supply the nuget path)
<Project DefaultTargets="Pack" xmlns="">
<Target Name="Pack" Condition="$(BUILD_IS_PERSONAL)!='True'">
<Message Text="Personal: $(BUILD_IS_PERSONAL)"/>
<Exec Command="$(NUGETPATH)\nuget pack $(NugetProject)"/>
Alternatively, you could halt the condition of build steps using an extra build step. thereby making them conditional:
Add an extra build step that uses the powershell-
if (([environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_IS_PERSONAL","Process")) -eq "True")
On each build step there is the option:Execute step
If you choose the option "If all previous build successfully" then the step will be passed
If you choose: "Even if some of the previous build steps failed" it will execute.