I need to find an algorithm for finding all the roots in a directed graph, in O(n+m).
I have an algorithm for finding a single root:
- Run DFS(v) on some v in V. If the result is a single spanning tree, then v is a root. Otherwise, the result is a forest of trees. Then:
- Run DFS(u) on the root of the last tree. If the result is a single spanning tree, then u is a root. Else, there are no roots in the graph.
Now if I want to find all the roots, is the best way to just run the above algorithm O(n) times, on a different vertex in the last tree every time ? Assuming I found a root, if another root exists then it must be on the last tree, then is it O(n+m) if I continue to run the above algorithm until receiving "no root exists" or until going over all vertices ?
Thanks in advance !
is only defined for a root. I assume you need all vertices with no incoming edge? – Ensure