I have a custom delegate in my QTableWidget
to hightlight matches if a user searches something. Unfortunately the rectangle position does often not really fit This happens on some characters or phrases or depending on the number of matches or the size of the leading string. I can't find something specific causing this. Here is one example: .
This is my paint routine (a bit messy from all the trial and error trying to fix the issue):
void custom_delegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const{
const QTableWidget* table_widget = qobject_cast<const QTableWidget*>(qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionViewItemV3*>(&option)->widget);
const int cell_width = table_widget->columnWidth(index.column());
// basic table cell rectangle
QRect rect_a = option.rect;
// adjust rectangle to match text begin
QStyle* style;
if(table_widget != 0){
style = table_widget->style();
style = QApplication::style();
const int text_horizontal_margin = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_FocusFrameHMargin, 0, table_widget) + 1;
QRect rect_b = rect_a.adjusted(text_horizontal_margin, 0, -text_horizontal_margin, 0);
// adjust rectangle to match text height
QFont cell_font = index.model()->data(index, Qt::FontRole).value<QFont>();
QFontMetrics fm(cell_font);
const int height = fm.height();
rect_b.setY(rect_a.y() + (rect_a.height() - height)/2);
// displayed text
std::string cell_text = qstrtostr(fm.elidedText(index.model()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(),Qt::ElideRight,rect_a.width()));
int found_pos = find_ci(cell_text, this->filter_string, 0);
int old_pos = 0;
int found_width = 0;
QRect rect_c = rect_b;
// find occurence of filter string in cell_text
while(found_pos != std::string::npos){
std::string front = cell_text.substr(0, found_pos);
rect_c.setX(rect_b.x() + fm.tightBoundingRect(QString::fromStdString(front)).width());
rect_c.setWidth(fm.width(QString::fromStdString(cell_text.substr(found_pos, this->filter_string.size()))));
painter->fillRect(rect_c, Qt::yellow);
old_pos = found_pos+1;
found_pos = find_ci(cell_text, this->filter_string, old_pos);
Notes: filter_string
is the string searched for, find_ci
is just a wrapper for std::string::find
including case-insensitivity but not important here as this test case is fully lower-case and I use std::string
for non-qt stuff.
Edit: For the width calculation I tried fm.tightBoundingRect().width()
, fm.boundingRect.width()
and fm.width()
with different but never correct results.
I use Qt 5.2
constructor? – ImmobilityQFontMetrics fm(painter->font());
which (together withfm.width()
instead of the other two) procudes a result with only a constant offset of 1px in any cases! Thanks a lot for leading me to this so if you want to take the credit I'll gladly accept it – AdaminaQFontMetrics fm(painter->font());
)) solves the exact same problem for me! – Arawakan