This is my OkHttp Post Form Parameter Method using OkHttp's Async Get
public Call postGetCountries(Callback callback) {
RequestBody body = new FormEncodingBuilder()
.add("op", "op")
Log.d(TAG_PARAMS, "op=sgetcountrylist, app_type=1");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
Call call = CLIENT.newCall(request);
return call;
This is my custom Callback.
private class GetCountriesCallback implements Callback {
public void onFailure(Request request, IOException e) {
Log.e("OkHttp", e.getMessage());
public void onResponse(Response response) throws IOException {
Log.d("PASSED", "PASS");
Log.d(Connection.TAG_RETURN, response.body().string());
try {
InputStream is = response.body().byteStream();
List test = connectionParser.parse(is, "op");
} catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
Log.e("PARSE ERROR", e.getMessage());
This is my instantiated parse method.
public List parse(InputStream in, String op) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
try {
XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser();
parser.setFeature(XmlPullParser.FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES, false);
parser.setInput(in, null);
return readFeed(parser, op);
} finally {
I'm currently testing if it works unfortunately I receive a return of
10-06 11:54:42.492 6336-6892/ D/PASSED: PASS
10-06 11:54:42.692 6336-6892/ E/PARSE ERROR: Invalid stream or encoding: closed (position:START_DOCUMENT null@1:1) caused by: closed
This is what I use on my onCreate on the activity to start the whole process:
private Connection connect = Connection.getInstance();
connect.postGetCountries(new GetCountriesCallback());
I don't understand as to why the InputStream gets closed.