I am trying to use 5 years of consecutive, historical data to forecast values for the following year.
Data Structure
My input data input_04_08 looks like this where the first column is the day of the year (1 to 365) and the second column is the recorded input.
My output data output_04_08 looks like this, a single column with the recorded output on that day of the year.
I then normalise the values between 0 and 1 so the first sample given to the network would look like
Number of training patterns: 1825
Input and output dimensions: 2 1
First sample (input, target):
[ 0.00273973 0.04 ] [ 0.02185273]
Feed Forward Network
I have implemented the following code in PyBrain
input_04_08 = numpy.loadtxt('./data/input_04_08.csv', delimiter=',')
input_09 = numpy.loadtxt('./data/input_09.csv', delimiter=',')
output_04_08 = numpy.loadtxt('./data/output_04_08.csv', delimiter=',')
output_09 = numpy.loadtxt('./data/output_09.csv', delimiter=',')
input_04_08 = input_04_08 / input_04_08.max(axis=0)
input_09 = input_09 / input_09.max(axis=0)
output_04_08 = output_04_08 / output_04_08.max(axis=0)
output_09 = output_09 / output_09.max(axis=0)
ds = SupervisedDataSet(2, 1)
for x in range(0, 1825):
ds.addSample(input_04_08[x], output_04_08[x])
n = FeedForwardNetwork()
inLayer = LinearLayer(2)
hiddenLayer = TanhLayer(25)
outLayer = LinearLayer(1)
in_to_hidden = FullConnection(inLayer, hiddenLayer)
hidden_to_out = FullConnection(hiddenLayer, outLayer)
trainer = BackpropTrainer(n, ds, learningrate=0.01, momentum=0.1)
for epoch in range(0, 100000000):
if epoch % 10000000 == 0:
error = trainer.train()
print 'Epoch: ', epoch
print 'Error: ', error
result = numpy.array([n.activate(x) for x in input_09])
and this gave me the following result with final error of 0.00153840123381
Admittedly, this looks good. However, having read more about LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) neural networks, and there applicability to time series data, I am trying to build one.
LSTM Network
Below is my code
input_04_08 = numpy.loadtxt('./data/input_04_08.csv', delimiter=',')
input_09 = numpy.loadtxt('./data/input_09.csv', delimiter=',')
output_04_08 = numpy.loadtxt('./data/output_04_08.csv', delimiter=',')
output_09 = numpy.loadtxt('./data/output_09.csv', delimiter=',')
input_04_08 = input_04_08 / input_04_08.max(axis=0)
input_09 = input_09 / input_09.max(axis=0)
output_04_08 = output_04_08 / output_04_08.max(axis=0)
output_09 = output_09 / output_09.max(axis=0)
ds = SequentialDataSet(2, 1)
for x in range(0, 1825):
ds.appendLinked(input_04_08[x], output_04_08[x])
fnn = buildNetwork( ds.indim, 25, ds.outdim, hiddenclass=LSTMLayer, bias=True, recurrent=True)
trainer = BackpropTrainer(fnn, ds, learningrate=0.01, momentum=0.1)
for epoch in range(0, 10000000):
if epoch % 100000 == 0:
error = trainer.train()
print 'Epoch: ', epoch
print 'Error: ', error
result = numpy.array([fnn.activate(x) for x in input_09])
This results in a final error of 0.000939719502501, but this time, when I feed the test data, the output plot looks terrible.
Possible Problems
I have looked around here at pretty much all the PyBrain questions, these stood out, but haven't helped me figure things out
- Training an LSTM neural network to forecast time series in pybrain, python
- Time Series Prediction via Neural Networks
- Time series forecasting (eventually with python)
I have read a few blog posts, these helped further my understanding a bit, but obviously not enough
Naturally, I have also gone through the PyBrain docs but couldn't find much to help with the sequential dataset bar here.
Any ideas/tips/direction would be welcome.