I am making a search page to find users. I have que query to find them and actually I can do the pagination with "LIMIT startRow, numberRows". But how could I count the total number of "registers" found before doing the pagination? I would like to add at my search page, the number of the users found in a search.
I need something like: "Page 1 of 100". I actually I have "Page 1" but I don't know how to count the total of results before paginate.
¿Maybe could be necesary execute an extra query with "SELECT COUNT(*)"? ¿Is there another way to count before pagination to avoid another query?
I use two sql queries, one for single word, and another for multiword:
Base sql query (for single word and multi word search):
"SELECT * FROM accounts AS A INNER JOIN profiles AS P ON A.account_id = P.account_id "
Single word condition:
"WHERE A.username LIKE ? OR P.name LIKE ? OR P.name LIKE ? OR P.surname LIKE ? OR P.surname LIKE ? LIMIT ?,?"
Multi word condition:
"WHERE CONCAT(P.name, ' ', P.surname) LIKE ? LIMIT ?,?"
Thanks a lot.