I found these two difference.
1: Fabric maintains an in-memory password
2: sudo accepts additional user and group arguments
First, fabric would get password from cache when using sudo(), then you do not need to enter password. But if you use run('sudo cmd'), you need to enter password for each 'sudo cmd'.
Second, if you want to execute a command not under root but other user group like www, you just need to set env.sudo_user = 'www' or sudo('cmd', user='www'). The first would execute each sudo() under www, the second would execute this single cmd under www. But you need to edit to run("sudo -u 'www' cmd") when use run() command.
from fabric.api import sudo, run, env
env.hosts = ['host_ip',]
env.user = 'user_name'
env.sudo_user = 'sudo_user'
def test_1():
run('sudo pwd')
def test_2():
$ fab -I --show=debug test_1 test_2
Initial value for env.password: # enter password
Commands to run: test_1, test_2
Parallel tasks now using pool size of 1
[ip_address] Executing task 'test_1'
[ip_address] run: /bin/bash -l -c "sudo pwd"
[ip_address] out: [sudo] password for billy: # needs to enter password here
[ip_address] out: /home/billy
[ip_address] out:
Parallel tasks now using pool size of 1
[ip_address] Executing task 'test_2'
[ip_address] sudo: sudo -S -p 'sudo password:' -u "root" /bin/bash -l -c "pwd"
[ip_address] out: sudo password: # only prompt, do not need enter password
[ip_address] out: /home/billy
[ip_address] out:
Disconnecting from ip_address... done.
? – Arva