Given how those "collector" functions are defined in the identity
definition, calling
(identity xs col)
for any list xs
and some "collector" function col
, is equivalent to calling
(col xs)
so the same list will be "returned" i.e. passed to its argument "collector" / continuation function col
. That explains its name, identity
, then.
For comparison, a reverse
could be coded as
(define reverse ; to be called as e.g. (reverse l display)
(lambda (l col)
((null? l) (col '())) ; a reversed empty list is empty
(else (reverse (cdr l) ; a reversed (cdr l) is newl --
(lambda (newl) ; what shall I do with it when it's ready?
(col ; append (car l) at its end and let col
(append newl ; deal with it!
(list (car l))))))))))
This style of programming is known as continuation-passing style: each function is passed a "continuation" that is assumed that it will be passed the result of the rest of computation, so that the original continuation / collector function will be passed the final result eventually. Each collector's argument represents the future "result" it will receive, and the collector function itself then specifies how it is to be handled then.
Don't get confused by the terminology: these functions are not "continuations" captured by the call/cc
function, they are normal Scheme functions, representing "what's to be done next".
The definition can be read as
identity :
to transform a list xs
with a collector function col,
| to call (col xs) , if xs is empty, or
| to transform (cdr xs)
with a new collector function col2
such that
(col2 r) = (col (cons (car xs) r)) , otherwise.
(or we can write this in a pseudocode, as)
(identity list col) =
| empty? list -> (col list)
| match? list (x . xs) -> (identity xs col2)
(col2 r) = (col (cons x r))
handles its argument r
by passing (cons x r)
to the previous handler col
. This means r
is transformed into (cons x r)
, but instead of being returned as a value, it is fed into col
for further processing. Thus we "return" the new value (cons x r)
by passing it to the previous "collector".
A sample call, as an illustration:
(identity (list 1 2 3) display)
= (identity (list 2 3) k1)
; k1 = (lambda (r1) (display (cons 1 r1))) = display ° {cons 1}
= (identity (list 3) k2)
; k2 = (lambda (r2) (k1 (cons 2 r2))) = k1 ° {cons 2}
= (identity (list ) k3)
; k3 = (lambda (r3) (k2 (cons 3 r3))) = k2 ° {cons 3}
= (k3 '()) ; (((display ° {cons 1}) ° {cons 2}) ° {cons 3}) []
= (k2 (cons 3 '())) ; ((display ° {cons 1}) ° {cons 2}) [3]
= (k1 (cons 2 (list 3))) ; (display ° {cons 1}) [2,3]
= (display (cons 1 (list 2 3))) ; display [1,2,3]
= (display (list 1 2 3))
update: in a pattern-matching pseudocode I've been fond of using as of late, we could write
identity [] col = col []
identity [a, ...d] col = identity d ( newl => col [a, ...newl] )
reverse [] col = col []
reverse [a, ...d] col = reverse d ( newl => col [...newl, a] )
which hopefully is so much visually apparent that it almost needs no explanation!